Design, Analysis, Tools & Apprenticeship (DATA) Laboratory
DATA Lab is the transformed version of the traditional, algebra-based physics laboratory that focuses on developing students’ laboratory practices. As most of the students enrolled in the course are non-physical science majors, the goal of this course is for the students to develop research skills unique to a physics laboratory that can be utilized throughout the rest of their studies.
Student Materials
Instructional materials have been developed by members of MSU's Physics Education Research Lab as well as faculty in MSU's Department of Physics and Astronomy. Materials are refined based on instructors' experiences, student feedback, and educational research conducted at MSU and elsewhere. Please send comments, feedback, and typos to Danny Caballero.
Course Calendar
Communication Projects
Grading Rubrics
Tutor Resources
The development of course materials and instructional strategies is on-going. Research studies conducted at MSU and elsewhere inform changes to course material and instructional strategies. Access to planning materials is limited to course and research staff.
This course transformation was generously supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Michigan State University's College of Natural Science, as well as the Department of Physics and Astronomy.