Table of Contents

In-Class Rubric

General Grading Scale

4.0 (96-100%) - Perfect, I can't think of anything they could have done better
3.75 (91-94%) - They were vital to their group's success but they could improve on some things
3.5 (87-90%) - They worked well with their group but there are definitely places where they can improve
3.25 (83-86%) - Sort of average, not outstanding but solid effort
3.0 (78-82%) - Weak participation, still worked with group but needs a lot of improvement
2.5 (68-74%) - Did not contribute in anyway to group's progress
2.0 (65%) - Negatively impacted work of group and progress on experiment
0.0 (0%) - Did not come to class

Learning Goals

Group Function

Experimental Design

What's the purpose of in­-class grading? Everyone in this lab comes from a variety of backgrounds and have varying levels of experience with physics, lab equipment, and working in groups. The purpose of the in­-class grading is to allow for you to develop your abilities in engaging with lab equipment, describing the role of uncertainty in the experiment, communicating science to others, and collaborating effectively as a group member. As such, this rubric is not focused on if you are engaged in class, but rather how you are engaged. This in ­class grade is not designed to make a big impact on your final grade in the course, it is to help develop abilities along these areas.

How are numerical scores given? The goal is for every student to improve their abilities along each of the areas listed in the rubric over time. The expectation is that as you develop your abilities, the expectations in the course will rise. So what was considered a 3.5 early in the course may not be the same as what a 3.5 is by the end of the course. This is a growing experience, and as such, we do not intend anyone to be experts at the start. Truth be told, there is no way to be “perfect” at science. However, by leveraging what we do well, we can focus on the things in which we need improvement and continuously grow.

What's the purpose of the written feedback from the tutors? Each day in the lab, the tutors will try to observe and notice how each student in their groups is doing in the areas on the rubric. After each day that you work on an experiment, you will receive feedback from the tutor on areas they would like to see you work as well as those they think you did well. The expectation is that, for future labs, you will work to improve in the areas the tutor noted.

How are the tutors going to notice everything in this rubric? It is not likely that every student will demonstrate everything in this rubric and that the tutor will notice everything. To help focus this, the tutors will approach each group with some questions related to the areas in the rubric to gauge understanding. The point isn't to notice everything you have done, but rather to get an idea of where you are currently and give you feedback and support to develop as time goes on.

So how do I get a 4.0? Unfortunately, there are no concrete examples of how to get a 4.0 because there is not one correct way to engage in class. Instead, there are many ways to conduct an experiment ­ something we intend to value. In an attempt to remove some of the ambiguity, sample “ladders” of expertise are given below, as well as a graphical representation of the development tutors are valuing in this assessment. These should be taken as non­-exhaustive lists but rather simple examples of one way in which development could occur. The best way to increase or maintain your grade is to pay attention to the feedback your tutors provide.