GlowScript 2.7 VPython scene.width = 800 scene.height = 600 = vector(10, 15, 0) ## Add Cliff, Ground, and Cart objects Cliff = box(pos=vector(-10,20,0), size=vec(20,40,1)) Ground = box(pos=vector(10,-1,0), size=vec(60,2,1), Cart = box(pos=vector(-20,40.5,0), size=vec(1,1,1),, make_trail = True) ## Give the cart and velocity Cart.velocity=vector(10,0,0) ## The lines below create graphs for height vs time, velocity vs time, and acceleration vs time Grph1 = graph(title='Height vs Time', xtitle='Time (s)', ytitle='Height (m)', fast=False) HeightGraph = gcurve(, label='Height') Grph2 = graph(title='Velocity vs Time', xtitle='Time (s)', ytitle='Velocity_y (m/s)', fast=False) VelocityGraph = gcurve(, label='Velocity_y') Grph3 = graph(title='Acceleration vs Time', xtitle='Time (s)', ytitle='Acceleration_y (m/s^2)', fast=False) AccelerationGraph = gcurve(, label='Acceleration_y') ## Create time variables t=0 dt=0.01 while Cart.pos.y > 0: rate(1000) if Cart.pos.x<0: Cart.acceleration=vector(0,0,0) Cart.pos=Cart.pos+Cart.velocity*dt # else: # Cart.acceleration=vector(0,-9.8,0) # Cart.velocity=Cart.velocity+Cart.acceleration*dt # Cart.pos=Cart.pos+Cart.velocity*dt ## The line below updates the graphs HeightGraph.plot(t,Cart.pos.y) VelocityGraph.plot(t,Cart.velocity.y) AccelerationGraph.plot(t,Cart.acceleration.y) t=t+dt