from __future__ import division from visual import * from physutil import * from visual.graph import * #Window setup = (0,0,0) scene.range = 5 #Objects block = box(pos=(0,0,0), length=5, width=1, height=1,,make_trail=True) ball = sphere(pos=vector(-1,-10,0), radius=0.15,,make_trail=True) #Parameters and Initial Conditions mball = 400 mblock = 1700 mtot = mball + mblock vball = vector(0,1600,0) pball = mball*vball ptot = pball Lball = cross(ball.pos,pball) Ltot = Lball #Time and time step t = 0 tf = 1000 dt = 0.00001 #MotionMap/Graph energyGraph = PhysGraph(numPlots=1) #Calculation Loop while t2.5 or abs(ball.pos.z)>0.5: ball.pos = ball.pos + (pball/mball)*dt energyGraph.plot(t,(mag(pball)**2)/(2*mball)) else: ball.pos = ball.pos + (ptot/mtot)*dt block.pos = block.pos + (ptot/mtot)*dt Iball = mball*mag(ball.pos-block.pos)**2 Iblock = 33 Itot = Iball+Iblock ball.rotate(angle=(mag(Ltot)/Itot)*dt, axis=Ltot/mag(Ltot), origin=block.pos) block.rotate(angle=(mag(Ltot)/Itot)*dt, axis=Ltot/mag(Ltot), origin=block.pos) energyGraph.plot(t,(1/2)*Itot*((mag(Ltot)/Itot)**2) + (mag(ptot)**2)/(2*mtot)) t = t + dt