Table of Contents

Computation in P-Cubed

In class, you will make use of Glowscript to model the motion of different physical systems. Glowscript is an online coding platform that means that you can work on our computational activities without having to install anything on your computer. Glowscript has extensive help documentation which can be found here. You will notice that this will take you to something called Vpython and Vypthon Glowscript help. Glowscript runs VPython which is built from the Python programming language. Python has become an incredibly popular computational language because is uses simple programming syntax and offers relatively straight forward code readability.


The class uses Glowscript and by default VPython because it adds some features that were traditionally difficult to have Python do. With very little code, VPython can:

All of this allows us to create computational models that are modeling real-world physical phenomenon that can help you gain an understanding and insight into physics concepts that you will interact within this class.

Below is a list of errors or unexpected behaviors that you might experience and how you might go about resolving them. By no means is this comprehensive and we definitely encourage you to research the internet to find solutions. You can copy and paste code from other places you just have to understand why it is doing what it is doing.

Python Troubleshooting