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Turuu Ariunbold


Major: Electrical Engineer

Future plans: I want to work in an Electric Car industry

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed: You will be in a group learning environment so to succeed, communicate with your peers as much as you can, and it would much easier if you come to class well prepared.

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class? We’re all going to be in Help room so if you’re struggling please come to the help room.

Fun fact about me I love basketball and I used to play for Mongolian National Team U16.

Help room hours Mondays 4:00pm-5:00pm

Mark Kemp


Major: Mechanical Engineering

Future plans: I want to get my MBA but until then take it one day at a time.

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed: HELPROOM! We want you to do well as much as you do so come to help room and we can work through it together

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class? Or you can use outside resources like YouTube to help breakdown some of the concepts that you struggle with

Fun fact about me I had a bear encounter in the woods

Help room hours Fridays Piazza

Lilli Mack


Major: Mathematics with a minor in physics

Future plans: I plan on going into secondary education and getting certified to teach high school math and physics !

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed: Go to helproom hours with any questions or homework problems, we are here to help. When you're reading the preclass notes, write down the concepts that you had trouble with and being it to class to talk about with your peers and ULA.

Fun fact about me I can name every single country in the world !

Help room hours Fridays Zoom 1:00pm-2:00pm

Krithi Sachithanand


Major: Computational Data Science

Future plans: Work as a Data Engineer/Analyst

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class? Create an equation sheet! It helps reinforce the concepts in your brain and prepares you for the exams.

Fun fact about me My favorite food combination is hot cheetos and oreos!

Help room hours Fridays 2:00pm-3:00pm

Ariela Yashinsky


Major: Mathematics

Future plans: Get my teaching certificate and teach high school math.

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed: Don't be afraid to speak up! Group work can be intimidating but your group members are a great resource for when you're confused and articulating your thoughts to others will strengthen your knowledge. Pay close attention to what concepts are important for exams, this will be super helpful for studying to make sure you review the right things .

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class? Come to the help room! There are so many people who want to help you understand. Google is also a great place to look for more information, if whatever you're working on doesn't make sense to you there are so many resources out there that might explain it in a way you understand.

Fun fact about me I love to sew and make my own stuff like clothes, bags, and anything in between!

Help room hours Mondays 5:00pm-6:00pm

Joshua Dixon


Major: Kinesiology

Future plans: I would like to locate a cause for idiopathic (unknown cause) scoliosis. Currently I am working on developing a new non-surgical technique for treating scoliosis.

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed: If you study hard in the beginning, it will make everything much easier towards the end. Additionally, pay attention to coding problems. On the test, it helps when you have an idea of what you are looking at. The in-class problems will be very helpful for thinking about coding in a physics setting.

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class? I highly recommend the help room. The help room helped me understand some essential physics concepts. If you are willing to put in the work, the help room can make a good grade very achievable. Grades aside, it is super cool to understand what you are doing! When I did not have a clue, the help room put everything into perspective.

Fun fact about me A fun fact… Once I played on a randomly assembled basketball team—composed of sixth graders. I was the last kid to show up to the first practice. When the other kids saw me, they all started screaming, “What’s your name?”. When I said Joshua, they all started screaming. Shortly after, I learned that every person on my new team was named Joshua.

Help room hours Piazza Sundays

Kailey Head


Major: Mechanical Engineering

Future plans: Grad School

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class? Come to helproom after trying out problems! We are more than happy to walk you through!

Fun fact about me I am an amateur bee-keeper on my family's farm and orchard!

Help room hours Piazza Fridays

Abby Peterson


Major: Computer Science

Future plans: To work in a team doing something I’m passionate about. (A.K.A. still figuring it out)

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed: Don’t be afraid to text your group mates and set up study sessions. Sometimes talking through ideas helps more than you’d think! Also be comfortable communicating with your professor and TA/LAs - that’s the best way we’ll be able to help you!

Fun fact about me I’m doing research for MSU in the Laboratory for Hybrid Quantum Systems, minoring in Dance, and am on the MSU Pompon Team…All fun things!

Help room hours Mondays: 6:00pm-7:00pm

Jaden Hanold


Major:Computer engineering

Future plans:No clue

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed:Have fun with it, this was my favorite class I took so far.

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?: Come to helproom

Fun fact about me:I snowboard

Help room hours Zoom Mondays 2:00pm-3:00pm


Major: Physics

Future plans: Go to grad school to get a doctorate in physics, then teach and do research at a university.

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed: Have an open mind! The format of this class can be unfamiliar, but it is ultimately an enriching experience.

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class? Ask questions and use the resources at your disposal! And know that it's okay to take a breath during class.

Fun fact about me: I play guitar and bass and love to write music.

Help room hours: Mondays 10:00am-11:00am

Email: valen176@msu.edu

Jake Rodgers


Future plans:

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed:

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?:

Fun fact about me:

Help room hours Fridays 4:00pm-5:00pm

Stephanie Glaspie


Future plans:

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed:

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?:

Fun fact about me:

Help room hours Mondays 10:00am-11:00am

Sage Foster


Future plans:

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed:

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?:

Fun fact about me:

Help room hours Wednesdays 5:15pm-6:15pm

Frank Dachille

Major: First Year Physics Graduate Student

Future plans:

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed:

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class?

Fun fact about me

Help room hours Friday 3:00pm-4:00pm


Section: 3 & 4

Degrees: BS degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Physics; MS in Physics Education

Research/Interest Area: Teaching Physics

What excites you about physics: That physics helps me to understand the universe and the world around me. I love learning new things about how physics applies to other areas of interest, particularly from the students in my classes about their areas of interest.

Advice on how to approach P-Cubed: Read the lecture notes and watch the linked videos to prepare you to complete the pre-class homework. Instead of trying to rush through an in-class problem, your focus should be on the process you follow as you work through them. How you work through and connect the concepts is more important than your group finishing the problem. After the first class meeting of each week, get started on the post-class homework – don’t wait until the last minute. While there is an individual-only component to the class (our exams), most of it is group-focused in the case of our in-class problems and projects; or homework where you can collaborate with your fellow students and course staff on your personalized assignments. Use the lecture notes and pre-class homework to prepare you for our in-class problems; the in-class problems help to prepare you for group projects, the post-class homework, and the individual exams; the post-course homework helps to solidify your understanding of the week’s work and better prepare you for the individual exams.

What do you recommend doing if you are struggling in class? Talk to me or schedule an appointment to talk to me. You also ha LAs in the class who have taken the course in the recent past and have been in your position. They can offer good, constructive advice on how to approach and overcome particular struggles. Take advantage of all of the resources available to you. In addition to the course notes and videos, you have the help room, D2L discussion boards, your group mates, and your fellow students from other groups available to you. If you find yourself grappling with a concept, don’t delay seeking help through these resources. Questions you bring to the help room or the Piazza discussion can go beyond the current homework. Use these forums to ask about any concepts from the class, the in-class problems, the lecture notes, or any previous homework assignments you wish to review.

Fun fact about me: I like to bike, cook and taking my dog Reo on long walks (or does he walk me?). Each of the past couple of summers, I rode my mountain bike for 100 miles in a day and hope to do this again this August.

Help room hours: Wednesdays 4:15pm-5:15pm and Saturdays Piazza

Email: hallstei@msu.edu

  • 183_tutors.1661983581.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/08/31 22:06
  • by hallstein