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Your group is to design a problem that incorporates the main topics that the EMP-Cubed course has focused on:

  1. Sources of fields (either electric or magnetic)
  2. Superposition of fields (either electric or magnetic)
  3. Applications of fields (either circuits and/or an induced voltage/current)

Your design should include both the problem statement (storyline, just look at any of ours for details) and the solution to the problem. Imagination is a plus. You should use the four quadrants and include any appropriate sketches (including appropriate measurements and any necessary free-body diagrams). You can write it up on the sheets provided and on the white boards. Try to include a motivation within the problem for incorporating the main ideas and not just include them randomly.

A good solution will not just be equations but will include some commentary.

We encourage you to take this opportunity to review any physics you had particular difficulty with. The tutors are here to help you consider the correctness of the physics you are trying to include in your problem.

The winners of the “choose your own adventure problem” will receive the following:

  • A 100% grade on the week's problem.
  • Get to act as TA's on Thursday.

Good Luck!

As a last ditch effort to save your friends from the EM-boar tigers, you and your team realize the power grid of the city ranges long and far just reaching the outskirts of the EM-boar tiger lair where your friends are. See the map for a view of the 5 km by 5 km power with the lair lying just north of the grid. You must devise a plan that will pull the EM-boar tigers away from the base. From experimentation on previously captured EM-boar tigers shows that they can weigh up to 130 kg and travel at a velocity of 49 km/h (see this documentation on normal boar tigers). They also each individually have a charge of 200 C. You must figure out a way to save your friends located at the lair. A hoard of 100 EM-boar tigers is traveling at top-speed due east towards the lair, and the only solution you can think of is to ramp up the current running through the power grid. You need to exert a force of at least 300 N on hoard as a whole in order to distract the EM-boar tigers and allow your friends time to escape during the distraction. Each resistor in the diagram is 10 $\Omega$, and the power source has a variable voltage. Your job is to determine the voltage needed to save your friends.


Learning Goals

  • Review of circuits, especially combining resistors
  • Review of magnetic fields and forces, right-hand-rule

Extension Questions

1. How does the problem change if a capacitor is added in series to the southwest corner of the circuit?

2. Once the circuit reaches a steady state with the added capacitor, what is the voltage across the capacitor?

  • course_planning/184_projects/s19_project_15.1556213292.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/04/25 17:28
  • by tallpaul