
Project 15 Review: Part A: Concept maps

For today's class, we'll prep for the upcoming exam, you all are going to create two concept maps (the image above is an example with force as the central concept) to demonstrate the connections between concepts we have covered. Your two concept maps should begin with:

1. The energy principle: $\Delta E = Q + W$ as the central concept and work out from there.

2. Torque as the central concept and work out from there.

Project 15 Review: Part B: Design your own exam study question

Your group is to design your own multi-part exam questions. You should discuss which of the four main questions on next week's exam you had particular difficulty with and would like to review. Pick the top one or two questions and write a multi-part exam-type question for it/each. Include a solution for your question as well. If time allows, you may write additional questions.

The four questions on our upcoming exam are:

Q1: Internal/thermal energy: systems; specific heat capacity, temperature change, heat, thermal equilibrium

Q2: Momentum and collisions, with energy: systems; inelastic and/or elastic collisions in 1D and/or 2D; velocity; kinetic energy

Q3: Point particle & Real Systems: systems; energy; translational and rotational kinetic energy; potential energy; moment of inertia; work

Q4: Angular momentum and torque: systems; collisions; momentum and momentum conservation; angular momentum; rotational angular; momentum; moment of inertia; angular momentum conservation

We encourage you to take this opportunity to review any physics you had particular difficulty with and the small-group instructors are here to help you consider the correctness of the physics you are trying to include in your problem(s).

You are being graded as per usual, so everybody in the group should understand the physics behind the problem you are designing.

  • 183_projects/problem15_spring2024.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/04/16 21:56
  • by hallstein